"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's been a funny kind of day yesterday!

Although I am almost a week late in 'keeping you updated' I just wanted anyone who was curious to know that... cooking was a success!
Granted I did end up getting a lot of help... but just so you know, I did not give up and ask! A friend of mine came over and decided to volunteer her services as a slightly more skilled than me, tall person to help my cause. So I even got a dinner buddy out of the whole thing!

But back to the point... the food was delicious, working with defrosted chicken is a pain and I might need a bigger pan sometime soon.

Oh! Speaking of tall and little people, I should tell you all about my day.
For the next few months I have agreed to care for my above mentioned friend's cat. He is a bit crazy and definitely obnoxious but somehow still manages to be cute when you're mad at him.
So I was cleaning up after him today and decided that I should stretch that cleaning to my entire apartment (notice how I'm blogging and not mentioning being done). Well I was trying to take my trash out when... this facebook/twitter status should explain it all:

Tried taking my trash out and accidentally dropped my bucket in the dumpster too. Definitely not getting that back :/ #littlepeopleproblems**

It was that hashtag that got me thinking... how many little people problems can I think of that have crossed my mind over the years.

Since I'm little and sometimes use a wheelchair I am going to lump all of my ideas together.

If you use a powerwheelchair the definite first one would have to be a dead battery... nothing is worse than being stranded without being able to move!

But don't be fooled by the picture folks... when this happens, seeing someone happy is probably the last thing that you'll see.

And of course now that I want to think about them I can't think of very many!
But I can think of some of my favorite inventions ever created.

This has to be one of the best things in my apartment! For when I need an extra foot or 2. With it I can cook, clean, and put my dishes or whatever else I need to away.

And who could forget this absolutely ingenius invention!
For one, it was advertised by my TV hero Billy Mays. And of course let's not forget it's altogether usefulness. Every home should have one, in my opinion.

** for those of you who do not use twitter and/or have no idea what I'm talking about: a hashtag is the # symbol that is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages
SOURCE: http://support.twitter.com/entries/49309-what-are-hashtags-symbols

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting the itch!

Hey everyone!

Another gap in posts and I'm starting to feel like it's time to write something new! I've juggled around a few ideas here and there but nothing that I really thought was worthy of an entire post. But it's been so long that I just don't feel like I can be quiet anymore!

So today's post is going to be a cooking adventure! ... even if most everything I cook should be considered an adventure. Haha!
If you already know me you know that boiling water can potentially be a challenge when I'm in the kitchen. Somehow even boxed foods manage to get the best of me.

BUT.... that is all going to change!

To start off, I'm not really a fan of new years resolutions. I think they're just another way to let yourself down. Life happens and there's no point in beating yourself up anymore than I'm sure everyone already does.
So I really try not to make them. I take new years as a new start to try and improve me in all of the ways I want, whenever I want. And boy does that list change daily, maybe even more than that.

Today's challenge/lesson/improvement of the day or whatever you want to call it is... you guessed it, cooking!
Now don't get crazy, I will not be attempting a Thanksgiving dinner or anything like that. I'm not even going to attempt a meal completely from scratch.

I will be making...

Yes, yes I know... it's pretty 'dummy proof' but to make this and have it be edible would be an accomplishment worth celebrating.
I picked this specific kind because it's more than just the boxed ingredients and meat. This one needs eggs to be cooked inside the pan!

... okay you got me. I also picked this one because it was the only one that I had all of the ingredients for.
I admit it. I am as skilled at grocery shopping as I am cooking haha.

But back to the point!

First things first I need to wash my hands!
And then on to defrost some chicken breasts.... wish me luck! I'll try to keep you posted along the way.

{Jan 21, 2012 3:42pm}