"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting the itch!

Hey everyone!

Another gap in posts and I'm starting to feel like it's time to write something new! I've juggled around a few ideas here and there but nothing that I really thought was worthy of an entire post. But it's been so long that I just don't feel like I can be quiet anymore!

So today's post is going to be a cooking adventure! ... even if most everything I cook should be considered an adventure. Haha!
If you already know me you know that boiling water can potentially be a challenge when I'm in the kitchen. Somehow even boxed foods manage to get the best of me.

BUT.... that is all going to change!

To start off, I'm not really a fan of new years resolutions. I think they're just another way to let yourself down. Life happens and there's no point in beating yourself up anymore than I'm sure everyone already does.
So I really try not to make them. I take new years as a new start to try and improve me in all of the ways I want, whenever I want. And boy does that list change daily, maybe even more than that.

Today's challenge/lesson/improvement of the day or whatever you want to call it is... you guessed it, cooking!
Now don't get crazy, I will not be attempting a Thanksgiving dinner or anything like that. I'm not even going to attempt a meal completely from scratch.

I will be making...

Yes, yes I know... it's pretty 'dummy proof' but to make this and have it be edible would be an accomplishment worth celebrating.
I picked this specific kind because it's more than just the boxed ingredients and meat. This one needs eggs to be cooked inside the pan!

... okay you got me. I also picked this one because it was the only one that I had all of the ingredients for.
I admit it. I am as skilled at grocery shopping as I am cooking haha.

But back to the point!

First things first I need to wash my hands!
And then on to defrost some chicken breasts.... wish me luck! I'll try to keep you posted along the way.

{Jan 21, 2012 3:42pm}

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