"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 8

Today I am having a hard time with that.

I know that some of it is because I've been busy with work and playing catch up so I haven't been home much. And he definitely doesn't like that.
He's made that very clear by attacking me twice in the last 2 days.

Also over the past few days I have been noticing little by little things inside my apartment that he has been destroying, very subtly of course.
Most of them are trivial material things that can easily be replaced so I haven't been too upset.

But yesterday the kicker for me was the box holding one of my prized possessions.
This cat has slowly been destroying the box and the packing styrofoam for a set of glass tableware that I've kept in remarkable condition and have had since I was a kid.
I caught him in the act and almost lost my cool.

But of course it isn't all bad.

When things are good, they're really good.

Since he had practically destroyed the toys he had before I decided to get him a new one.

This is what happened.

There are no more feathers, it lasted less than 24 hours.

This post is a bit overdue so there are a few things to update you on.

Just a few nights ago I woke up to this snuggled right next to me

Of course he was taking up at least 1/2 of my twin sized bed but it was still cute :)

Last week I had this crazy dream where there was this cat was making crazy noises. I have no idea what it looked like or why it was making that noise (I have a hard time remembering dreams) but I do remember feeling confused.
Turns out that while I was sleeping he had tried to sleep in the same place as this picture and I rolled over him without knowing it :/

This all happened within a couple of days after he got outside while I was trying to leave for work.
Normally I don't stress about him trying to get out because he's generally uninterested. But out of nowhere I opened the door and he just bolted out!
I froze as I was panicking because I didn't want to scare him into running away.

But to my surprise he froze too, right outside of my doorway.
The look in his eyes was complete terror. He stood there for a moment, turned his head to consider running and ran right back inside of my apartment.
I guess that in some way he was expecting to see the surroundings of his old home.
I'm glad to say that he hasn't tried it since. I can only hope he's learned his lesson.

Friday, March 16, 2012

My 25th Birthday!

First off I want to say the biggest THANK YOU to all of my friends and family that wished me a happy birthday!

It was a relatively low key day that started a day early with a beautiful trip to the Boyce Thompson Arboretum (State Park in Superior, AZ). For those of you who don't know what that is, I described it to my friend as a zoo for plants in a completely open environment. You know, like nature intended it to be.

On your left is one of my favorite pictures. If I could sum up the scenery with one picture, this would be it.

I went with my mom, aunts and 5 small cousins so it was anything but boring! If we weren't chasing one child, we were trying to trying to make sure another couldn't eat an unknown plant haha.
And somewhere in between all of that wandering, picture taking and sight seeing I managed to take some of my own pictures. With my cell phone and they even turned out quite nice!

Later that night I went out with one of my good friends Special Tuesday to celebrate and ended the night at an insane hour after redeeming my free birthday grand slam.

And after sleeping a solid 6-7 hours I awoke the next afternoon to begin the marathon!
Since I started a bit late I didn't get to hit as many places as I would have liked but it was still a very good day... although it started a bit rocky.

If you didn't know, Krispy Kreme is usually my first stop on the birthday trail.
Who wouldn't want to start their day with a dozen free glazed donuts?!

BUT I was quite sad to learn that Krispy Kreme no longer gives you an entire box of a dozen donuts :( instead they only give you one.
* I'd post a link but I couldn't find one that says it. I found out by a sign on the window.

Next stop was to pick up my mom so we could go to lunch and hit as many places as possible. And of course we had to go to the best places first!

Joe's Farm Grill

It is here (and 2 other places) that you can receive $10 towards the meal of your choice. And I went big!
** If you haven't tried it yet, you don't know what you're missing out on! http://joesfarmgrill.com/

Liberty Market

And here's my next stop. Had to get me some good coffee!
This is the 2nd place that gives you $10 off of your meal, or in my case coffee.
** Good food, good coffee.http://libertymarket.com/

And since I'm me, I had to end my food spree with a bang!
Another one of my awesome friends took me out to the Cheesecake Factory where I had a delicious cobb salad and we split a piece of the snickers cheesecake... yum!

**In case you're wondering, that IS a giant piece of avocado!
(there was some confusion via Facebook)

This same awesome friend also gave me the blueray version of one of my newest favorite movies!

** Check it out, trust me it's amazing: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1570728/

My night continued with Special Tuesday picking me up to check out a party with some friends that to my surprise included a massive amount of people singing happy birthday!

After that we met up with some other friends and I got to watch my first real game of blackjack!
On one hand the fast paced movements of the dealers and players astounded me. But on the other, watching the amounts of money being given away just seemed crazy. I have a hard time imagining putting that kind of money down, all on a whim.

IF you made it through this entire post I congratulate you!
I know I rambled a bit but I now want to turn your attention to the real reason for this post.

Yesterday on Facebook I received a whopping 98 posts of people wishing me a happy birthday. I think about it and I still have a hard time fathoming the amount of appreciation that I have for the family and friends who went out of their way in to stop and say something, little or not.

And it got me thinking how great technology is to have the ability to connect soo many people together! How easily it has become to keep in touch with people I haven't seen in years or people that I've never even 'met' (in person).

To sum up my feelings about yesterday I would have to say:
Life is about people. The people you meet, know, care about and love. I could care less about material things. What's important to me is being able to spend as much time as I can with the people that matter most.

It's a great feeling to know you're loved by one, anymore than that is an overwhelming gift I am always grateful of.

So really thank you! I couldn't ask for a better group of people.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In case you were wondering....

Here's an official countdown!

** if I knew what time I was born I would put the time :/

OMG I still can't believe it's almost here!
I feel sooo old....

**Update 3/7/12**

I don't usually do this but I figured it could be another way to show you, my readers some of the type of music I like.

On my list of cd's I have yet to get:

Teddy Geiger - The Last Fears
Here's a sample http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/teddygeiger

Gavin Mikhail - My Personal Beauty Needs (2003)
You can list to it here http://gavinmikhail.bandcamp.com/album/my-personal-beauty-needs

Jason Reeves - The Lovesick (2011)
You can listen to some of it here! http://www.amazon.com/Lovesick-Jason-Reeves/dp/B005MJ7S86/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_aud?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1331159188&sr=1-1

Pet Adventures! Take 7

Here we are, another day trying to figure things out.

Until really recently (as in last night) things were going pretty well.
My schedule had opened up and I was able to stay home and hang out with the cat more than I previously had.
We had almost made a schedule out of it and he would even come and lay down when it was time for bed. And this week he would even sleep next to me while letting me hold him!

I've decided that we have a sort of hot & cold bond.
One moment he's being super cute and nice and the next he's causing trouble just to drive me crazy.
It's like a switch flips when things are going TOO well... haha.

If you didn't already know, I really like fuzzy things. Pens, shoes, jackets, etc... but don't get confused I'm not all about fur or killing animals for looks.
But back to the story... so I have a small collection of pens with fuzzy tops in my room. I keep them all together in the hopes that the cat couldn't reach them.
Wrong again!
He enjoys finding ways to get them, but only while I'm sleeping or trying to.

It's funny how he gets these bursts of energy when I'm really tired.
I guess it's just like having a kid/s.
Which is even more proof that parents, especially single parents are amazing. Not like anyone needed anymore proof but still.
Just in case you were wondering, most of you are awesome 24/7.

I was enjoying a relaxing Sunday at home and all of a sudden he just goes crazy!
Running around everywhere, bouncing off the walls and knocking everything over... again. The same thing happened last night so I made him sleep on the couch, haha.

Eventually I got tired of it and put him in his kennel to calm down... by the looks of things that probably wasn't a good idea.

I guess I'll just have to see how he pays me back this time...

I've met my match.

Until next time!