"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 7

Here we are, another day trying to figure things out.

Until really recently (as in last night) things were going pretty well.
My schedule had opened up and I was able to stay home and hang out with the cat more than I previously had.
We had almost made a schedule out of it and he would even come and lay down when it was time for bed. And this week he would even sleep next to me while letting me hold him!

I've decided that we have a sort of hot & cold bond.
One moment he's being super cute and nice and the next he's causing trouble just to drive me crazy.
It's like a switch flips when things are going TOO well... haha.

If you didn't already know, I really like fuzzy things. Pens, shoes, jackets, etc... but don't get confused I'm not all about fur or killing animals for looks.
But back to the story... so I have a small collection of pens with fuzzy tops in my room. I keep them all together in the hopes that the cat couldn't reach them.
Wrong again!
He enjoys finding ways to get them, but only while I'm sleeping or trying to.

It's funny how he gets these bursts of energy when I'm really tired.
I guess it's just like having a kid/s.
Which is even more proof that parents, especially single parents are amazing. Not like anyone needed anymore proof but still.
Just in case you were wondering, most of you are awesome 24/7.

I was enjoying a relaxing Sunday at home and all of a sudden he just goes crazy!
Running around everywhere, bouncing off the walls and knocking everything over... again. The same thing happened last night so I made him sleep on the couch, haha.

Eventually I got tired of it and put him in his kennel to calm down... by the looks of things that probably wasn't a good idea.

I guess I'll just have to see how he pays me back this time...

I've met my match.

Until next time!

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