"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 6

Hello everyone!

It's been a bit since my last post and I wanted you all to know that I'm still here with the cat. I just couldn't think of anything new to post.

I finally had to go buy another bag of cat food and boy was that an adventure. First off, the bag weighs 14 lbs and is about half my height. And of course I didn't have my powerchair so bringing it to my car was quite a sight to see haha.
Eventually I did make it and brought it home so the cat is well fed and happy.

Last week was a pretty busy week so I wasn't able to be home as often as the cat would have liked. So when my schedule did slow down the cat took every opportunity to sit or lay down near me.

I have learned from the last bedtime disaster and have since placed a small pillow on my window to prevent him from climbing up and antagonizing all of the neighborhood cats.
And as much as he dislikes this new setup, I get a lot more good sleep out of it.
I don't think he's quite figured out that I'm not moving the pillow because most nights he still unsuccessfully tries to climb up.

The last few nights he has been especially affectionate and tries to sleep near me.
Generally I don't have a problem with this, except he likes to lay on my feet.
I don't know about you but I move all far too much in my sleep and it drives me crazy when I don't have that option. When this happens I inevitably end up moving my legs so much that he doesn't want to stay.
After a couple nights of that he finally got smart and decided that it would be better if he slept on the side of me. There is a nice pillow on my left side that stops me from hitting the wall and I think that he has decided that's his new space to sleep. It was perfect because he's high enough that I can't roll over him and I can still move when I want to.

This week I once again decided that it was time to vacuum my apartment again. So I went all out and vacuumed my entire apartment, which is even more than I did the last time.
The cat has unofficially made my armchair his. Most days that's the best place to find him. That definitely shows because before I had vacuumed it was covered in black hairs. I had to go all out with the pet attachment to get it back to looking good.

He must have known how difficult that was because immediately after I had finished and put the vacuum away the first thing he decided to do was lay down on the carpet and stretch out as far as he could.

My first thought was how to create a #petproblems tweet. Didn't come up with much but
@jeenad: I finish vacuuming & the shedding cat decides to stretch. Is this karma for scaring him with the vacuum? #petproblems

And not even a few days later I come to find this:

I've come to the decision that he doesn't like anything that makes a loud noise. Vacuum, hair dryer, powerchair, or any type of loud music in general.
But he loves the bathtub and shower. He's fascinated by it and loves to sit on the side while I shower. He's almost made it a game and likes it when I pretend to splash him with the clear screen in front to protect him.

Oh and in case you were wondering the size ratio between the cat & I, or why I make him sound like such a monster... here is a picture to prove it.

He definitely takes more than my lap!

I'll leave all of you with this Daily Affirmation from Dr. Wayne Dyer
"What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people."

Until next time!

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