"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day 2012!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

To the young and old; the heartbroken, single, "it's complicated" and whatever I've missed.

No matter what your 'status' it's a day to celebrate all forms of love.
Families, friends, lovers, and beyond!

If you hadn't noticed yes, I do consider myself to be a hopeless romantic and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

My favorite movies are romantic comedies, that's over half of my collection. I'll read anything written by Nicholas Sparks; for me the Notebook is a classic. If I paid for cable I'd probably get fat from eating chocolate all day and watching waaay too much of the Lifetime and Hallmark channel.

As ridiculous as all of that sounds I don't consider myself to be completely adrift.
I understand the realities of human relationships... at least to the extent that I've observed/experienced and I'm not waiting for the 'prince charming' delusion.

I like to think of myself as 'hopelessly realistic'
I don't want someone that will always agree with me or someone that always has to be in control.
I'm looking for someone who is considerate but independent, can be serious and fun, someone that has a similar sense of humor to me.
But most of all, I want someone who can be my equal and share everything that life has to offer.

Day 13 | Love spreads on contact

Sounds like a tall order doesn't it?
Yeah I guess it does... yet I still know there is at least one person out there.

And I'm okay waiting because I know that it will all be worth the wait.
It gives me something to look forward to.
I try to look at this time as the perfect way to get to know and improve me. That way I can be the best me that I know how to be when the time comes.

For anyone struggling with being alone today (or any day) just remember... you are loved.

"I have learned that love is the most powerful force available to us. When we have real love we have the strength to perform miracles." ~ Leo Buscaglia

Thank you http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Leo_Buscaglia

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