"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 3

Last night (okay more like this morning) as I was trying to go to sleep I realized that I forgot to mention a vital aspect of my pet adventures!

Unless I am home I always keep my bedroom door closed.
Like most cats he loves to get into anything and everything. And if I leave him for any amount of time that he 'dislikes' I can expect some kind of mess waiting for me. So long story short I don't trust him to be alone with all of the really important things I've stashed in my room.

But at night I keep my door open so he has a nice place to sleep... Another bad idea that won't be changing any time soon haha.
I don't know where but there is a cat somewhere outside that roams my apartment complex at night. And so of course the cat in my apartment likes to look outside of the window and antagonize the mystery cat that is yet to figure out that I will NEVER leave my window open.
Without fail, if that cat is around my window he will jump and try to attack 'my cat'... ONLY when I have almost fallen asleep. Scares me awake every time! And by the time I am finally able to fall back asleep I'm wired and paranoid.

Today was an especially funny day.

As I was in the shower this morning the cat thought it would be a good time to visit.
Of course like any other cat, he is not fond of water. So he made sure to sit on the side of the tub between the shower curtains.
Not thinking about the consequences he decided it would be a funny to play and swipe at the clear plastic curtain with little to no balance.
After almost falling into the shower with me he eventually fell on the other side onto the floor.... all while still sitting in between my shower curtains.
Of course none of that stopped his desire to play and he continued to play with my clear shower curtain until I turned off the water.

It's times like this I wish that I knew what was going on in that cats head.
I wonder if it's as scatter brained as mine...

And I won't even bother with the negative happenings of last night... like him getting sick again. Of course it happened right before I was about to get into bed.

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