"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 1

This year I have embarked on a new adventure... pet care.
For those of you who know me well, no no no! I did not get a permanent pet. I'm pet-sitting a cat for the next 2.5 months for a good friend while she's out of the country.

Sounds easy enough right? Wrong.

First I had to 'pet-proof' my apartment... had to stash everything that would possibly be targeted for kitty destruction, accidental or out of 'cats curiosity.'
Then I had to find a place for the litter box in my kinda small bathroom.
And because this is no ordinary cat I also had to find a place hide his bag of food so he wouldn't go crazy and eat another hole in the bag... yes, you read that right. I did say another hole.

If all that wasn't enough work there's the everyday maintenance that comes with pet ownership/care.
To avoid having my apartment smell disgusting I vacuum and clean my bathroom at least once a day.
Feeding the cat isn't so bad most of the time. That is unless he's trying to trip me while getting my attention on my way to his bag of food. Oh and there's this minor issue of his nervous eating habit. I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of how much to feed him that doesn't allow him to overeat and make himself sick.

But the part that makes it all interesting...
He likes to attack me. Bites and scratches me just because he can.
I'm convinced he's either bipolar or has a split personality disorder. One moment he's being really cute and snuggling with me and all of a sudden he snaps and attacks me! Totally out of the blue! I've been trying really hard to watch out and not do things that bug him but it's definitely not working.

In the 9 days it's just been me I've been attacked 3 times, twice on my arms and once on my leg. That wasn't counting the other time I was attacked before my friend had even left yet!
He's also puked twice. Once in my bathroom right next to his box and the other on my dining room floor. To be optimistic I am glad they've been on tile... thank you!

Since I know that I haven't done much in the positive talk department I would like to note that it isn't all bad.
Everyday I come home it's nice knowing that there's someone that is glad to see me... even if there is some other motive like food haha.
There's also something to do in watching the funny things he does to keep himself entertained. I think he's about as graceful as I am.

Besides... I think we're both still in the adjustment stage. We're getting used to sharing my space and putting up with each others quirks.
That and I'm sure he misses my friend, they haven't been apart for more than a few days.

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