"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things." ~ Frank Clark

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pet Adventures! Take 2

Hello again!

Still playing catch up here so I'll be recounting events from the last couple of weeks... hopefully I'll be caught up by the end of this post. There's a few pet happenings that you've missed.

A little over a week into watching the cat my sister came to visit with her service dog. Since she's such a sweet dog and was raised with a cat like brothers I wasn't really worried about the cat being hurt. I was more worried about the cat taking out the dog, if you know this cat... you'd know that I was concerned for good reason.
But before either of them had gotten completely inside he bolted! Took me a good 10-15 minutes to even find the cat, turns out he had found a spot on top of my fridge between that and my cabinets.

It wasn't until later in the night when the cat thought no one was looking that he tried getting off of the fridge. And of course the service dog was up and ready to play before the cat had even gotten off of my counter. This is when it got interesting....

The best way I can think of to explain what happened is to give you this completely unrelated visual.

Picture the cat instead of the pinball and my kitchen in the place of game board and there you have it. I don't think I've ever seen that cat move so quickly or crazy-like!

It was hilarious and fortunately just loud and not destructive.
I'm pretty sure that he didn't come down from my fridge until the next day.

It wasn't until this next experience that basically sealed the deal. I finally realized that this cat is just not that sociable.

My mom and brother were over to visit for a couple of hours and the result was a calmer version of last time. He was up on the fridge until I 'cleared' him to come down.

Oh and I forgot to mention... a few days ago when I left him alone at my house I forgot to put his treats away. So of course he ate the chewed a hole and ate an entire bag, about the size of this:

And no this is not the cat, I used the picture to show the size of the bag of treats.

If you're still keeping track... he attacked my leg a couple more times and fortunately didn't scratch skin because I was wearing thick pants.

Are there any cat people out there that would have any tips for me to put a stop to the scratches?

And a positive side note...
A couple of days ago I woke up with the cat snuggled asleep at my feet. Of course he decided to lay down as I was starting to wake up and by the time he was completely comfortable I had to get up and go.

I was thinking that this might have been his way of asking me not to leave.
But who knows? I sure don't!

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